Price Comparison: The Catholic Study Bible | 9780195282788

The Catholic Study Bible

The Catholic Study Bible | 9780195282788

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The Catholic Study Bible The landmark Oxford Catholic Study Bible is available now an upgraded and revised Second Edition. Completely re-written study notes, expanded essays and sidebars make this bible the perfect choice for study and worship.The heart of this volume remains its extensive Reading Guide that leads the reader through the Scriptures, book by book. References and background information are clearly laid out in the margins of the text, guiding the reader to a fuller understanding of the Bible.Other outstanding features include: a 15-page glossary of special terms, complete Sunday and weekday lectionary readings for the liturgical years of the Church. 32 beautiful pages of full-color Oxford Bible Maps come with a place-name index for easy reference.Printed on smooth, durable paper and bound with the highest quality materials, the Oxford Catholic Study Bible is an incredible value. It is an essential resource for both experienced students and first-time readers.* Articles (Biblical History and Archaeology; Catholic Interpretation of the Bible; Challenges of Biblical Translation; Paul and His Writings) * Introductory Sectrions (1 & 2 Samuel; 1 & 2 Kings; Major Prophets, Baruch, and Lamentations * Index to Study Materials
ISBN: 9780195282788.
Publisher: Oxford University Press.
Published Year: 2006.

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