Price Comparison: The Apocryphal Jesus: Legends of the Early Church

The Apocryphal Jesus: Legends of the Early Church

The Apocryphal Jesus: Legends of the Early Church | 9780198263845

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The Apocryphal Jesus: Legends of the Early Church When J.K. Elliott's magisterial edition of The Apocryphal New Testament was published in 1994, it was greeted with universal acclaim. An expanded and revised edition of M.R. James's classic Apocryphal New Testament , with all new translations, the book was hailed as "an essential work for students of the New Testament and related literature" by the Journal of Religion and and as "a fascinating source of information" by the Churchman . Now, Elliott has abridged that volume to create The Apocryphal Jesus . Designed for the general reader, clergy, and student, the book collects the most interesting of the early Christian texts about Jesus that didn't make the Bible, ranging from stories of his birth in a cave, his childhood escapades, and his secret sayings, to his descent to the underworld, the torments of Hell, Saint Paul baptizing a lion, the death of Pontius Pilate, and many others. Throughout, Elliott provides helpful introductions to each of the most important and significant of these texts, which have had a profound influence on art, literature, and theology from the second century through the Middle Ages and even into modern times. bizarre apocryphal texts.
ISBN: 9780198263845.
Publisher: Oxford University Press.
Published Year: 1996.

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