Price Comparison: Ulysses: A Biographical Novel of U.S. Grant

Ulysses: A Biographical Novel of U.S. Grant

Ulysses: A Biographical Novel of U.S. Grant | 9780312113605

by Skimin, Robert

Ulysses: A Biographical Novel of U.S. Grant Seventeen years in the making, Ulysses offers a rich tapestry of Grant's life - from West Point to the Civil War to the White House. Skimin's inspired dedication to his research provides a window into Grant's time as a cadet, his courtship of Julia, his military success during the Mexican War, his troubles with peacetime army life, his rebirth as a wartime hero, and his troubled presidency. Skimin has captured the essence of Ulysses S. Grant: his courageous drive to succeed, his fear of failure, his struggles with alcohol abuse, his self-doubt as husband, and his military genius. Robert Skimin's Civil War expertise brings an amazing element of realism to Grant's clashes with Robert E. Lee. Throughout, this story is a vibrant look at nineteenth-century America.
ISBN: 9780312113605.
Publisher: St Martins Pr.
Published Year: 1994.

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