Price Comparison: Understanding the Great Gatsby: A... | 9780313300974

Understanding the Great Gatsby: A...

Understanding the Great Gatsby: A... | 9780313300974

by Dalton Gross

Understanding the Great Gatsby: A... Today, more than 70 years after its publication, The Great Gatsby seems as fresh and pertinent to American life as it did in the 1920s. The social, cultural, and historical milieu of the 1920s reflected in its pages is not so very different from our own. This interdisciplinary collection of commentary and rich collateral materials will enrich the reader's understanding of those times and their influence on Fitzgerald's novel. The authors have included a wide variety of primary documents that capture the flavor of the era and its notorious and flamboyant players. Included are newspaper stories, first person accounts, and congressional testimony from the scandals of the 1920s.Most of the documents included in this text are available in no other printed form. A chapter on the writing of the novel illuminates Fitzgerald's relationship to the literature of the 1920s. Chapters discuss the following topics: the scandals of the 1920s, The Woman Question, the rich in the 1920s, and the novel then and now. Each section of the casebook contains study questions, topics for research papers and class discussion, and lists of further reading for examining the themes and issues raised by the novel. This is the ideal student and teacher companion for understanding the novel in its historical, social and cultural context.
ISBN: 9780313300974.
Publisher: Greenwood Press.
Published Year: 1998.

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