Price Comparison: Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume

Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume

Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume | 9780323551496

by Reinisch RN DNP FNP-BC, Courtney,Hagler PhD RN ACNS-BC CNE CHSE ANEF FAAN, Debra,Roberts RN MSN MACI CMSRN OCNS-C CNE, Dottie,Kwong DNP MPH RN ANP-BC FAAN FAANP, Jeffrey,Harding PhD RN FAADN CNE, Mariann M.

Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume Buy with confidence! Book is in new, never-used condition 7.5
ISBN: 9780323551496.
Publisher: Mosby.
Published Year: 2019.

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