Price Comparison: They Say / I Say

They Say / I Say

They Say / I Say | 9780393538700

by Graff, Gerald; Birkenstein, Cathy

They Say / I Say Book & Merchandise. Used and loved by millions of students for its lively and practical advice, this is the book that demystifies academic writing and shows how to engage with the views of others. Extensively revised in response to feedback from our community of adopters, this edition of ?They Say / I Say? is an even more practical companion for students, featuring a new chapter on research, new exercises, expanded support for reading, and an expanded chapter on Revising. The little book that demystifies academic writing, reading and research. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
ISBN: 9780393538700.
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company.
Published Year: 2021.

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