Price Comparison: The First Christian Theologians.... | 9780631231875

The First Christian Theologians....

The First Christian Theologians.... | 9780631231875

by Evans, G.R.

The First Christian Theologians.... The First Christian Theologians offers a comprehensive introduction to the theology of the early Church through an accessible and lively examination of the major individual theologians of the time. Provides a comprehensive, single-volume introduction to the theology of the early Church. Features an accessible and lively examination of the major individual theologians from the first five centuries. Explores how Christian theology came into being – including detailed coverage of the Scriptural canon, preaching, heresies, and the role of ecumenical councils. Includes an international list of leading contributors. Edited by a leading academic in the field, with a reputation for producing first-rate, accessible books.
ISBN: 9780631231875.
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing 2004.
Published Year: 2004.

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