Price Comparison: Voices from the World of Jane Auste...

Voices from the World of Jane Auste...

Voices from the World of Jane Auste... | 9780715327241

by Malcolm Day

Voices from the World of Jane Auste... A fascinating collection of first-hand accounts of life in the time of Jane Austen (1775-1817), showing how social standing and etiquette were prime considerations of the period. This title reveals the stark contrast that existed in every aspect of domestic and public life, including the gulfs between rich and poor, 'upstairs' and 'downstairs', and the lives of men and women. The 'voices' come from Jane Austen's novels, letters, biographies and memoirs, including previously unpublished material held by The Jane Austen Society, The British Library, Hampshire Record Office and Kent County Archives.
ISBN: 9780715327241.
Publisher: David & Charles, United Kingdom, Newton Abbot.
Published Year: 2007.

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