Price Comparison: FScott Fitzgerald's Odyssey A Reader's Guide to the Gospels in The Great Gatsby By Bernard R Tanner published September, 2003

FScott Fitzgerald's Odyssey A Reader's Guide to the Gospels in The Great Gatsby By Bernard R Tanner published September, 2003

FScott Fitzgerald's Odyssey A Reader's Guide to the Gospels in The Great Gatsby By Bernard R Tanner published September, 2003 | 9780761826057

by Bernard R. Tanner

FScott Fitzgerald's Odyssey A Reader's Guide to the Gospels in The Great Gatsby By Bernard R Tanner published September, 2003 Here for the first time a reader can understand The Great Gatsby as F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote it.
ISBN: 9780761826057.
Publisher: University Press of America.
Published Year: 2003.

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