Price Comparison: Benchmark Series: Microsoft Word 2019 Levels 1&2

Benchmark Series: Microsoft Word 2019 Levels 1&2

Benchmark Series: Microsoft Word 2019 Levels 1&2 | 9780763887148

by Nita Rutkosky (author), Audrey Roggenkamp (author) & Ian Rutkowsky (author)

Benchmark Series: Microsoft Word 2019 Levels 1&2 The Benchmark Series is designed for students to develop a mastery skill level in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. Its graduated, three-level instructional approach moves students to analyse, synthesise, and evaluate information. Multi-part, projects-based exercises build skill mastery with activities that require independent problem solving, which challenge students to execute strategies they will encounter in today's workplace. Complete course content is delivered in the Cirrus learning environment through a series of scheduled assignments that report to a grade book to track student progress and achievements.
ISBN: 9780763887148.
Publisher: Paradigm Education Solutions.
Published Year: 2019.

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