Price Comparison: To Kill a Mockingbird (Acting Editi... | 9780871290861

To Kill a Mockingbird (Acting Editi...

To Kill a Mockingbird (Acting Editi... | 9780871290861

by Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird (Acting Editi... Drama / Revised Version / Cast: 11m., 6w. (flexible, extras.) Scout, a young girl in a quiet southern town, is about to experience the dramatic events that will affect the rest of her life. She and her brother, Jem, are being raised by their widowed father, Atticus. The black people of the community have a special feeling about Scout's father and she doesn't know why. Atticus, a lawyer, explains that he's defending a young Negro wrongfully accused of a grave crime. Atticus fights his legal battle with a result that is part defeat, part triumph. Adapted by Christopher Sergel. From the novel by Harper Lee.
ISBN: 9780871290861.
Publisher: Dramatic Publishing Company.
Published Year: 1960.

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