Price Comparison: Huanying 1 Textbook (Chinese Editio...

Huanying 1 Textbook (Chinese Editio...

Huanying 1 Textbook (Chinese Editio... | 9780887276620

by Jiaying Howard; Lanting Xu

Huanying 1 Textbook (Chinese Editio... Huanying: An Invitation to Chinese is a new series that will take you to an exciting new world of exploring "how, when, and why to say what to whom" in Chinese. Designed for use in secondary schools and developed in accordance with ACTFL National Content Standards, the Huanying series engages students in interactive and integrated language practice through fun and meaningful activities, contemporary topics that appeal to secondary school students, and a full-color textbook design. Huanying contains the perfect mix of ingredients to ensure that the students' learning experience is continuously intertwined with the "5-Cs" of foreign language learning - communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. The textbooks are organized around topics that are essential to everyday communication, such as "greetings," "family," "things we use every day," and "our environment." How to use the language accurately is introduced through simple yet systematic language notes. Workbook activities are skill-integrated, meaning that almost all activities involve two or more skills, which mirrors real-life use and helps improve students' overall language proficiency. By starting with a communicative approach, and combining it with carefully-crafted activities that embed repetitive language practice in a meaning-ful context, the authors of Huanying have created a practical, learner-centered , and engaging learning experience for secondary school students.
ISBN: 9780887276620.
Publisher: Cheng & Tsui Co (edition ).
Published Year: 2008.

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