Price Comparison: Bom Dia! Level 1 Student Workbook (Portuguese Edition)

Bom Dia! Level 1 Student Workbook (Portuguese Edition)

Bom Dia! Level 1 Student Workbook (Portuguese Edition) | 9780932027771

by Marcia Matos; Sara Neto-Kalife

Bom Dia! Level 1 Student Workbook (Portuguese Edition) Our workbook accompanies the textbook and provides students with the opportunity to be able to reinforce and extend their learning. It is filled with a multitude of activities that provide reinforcement through repetition of skills that are learned in the textbook. Students receive hands-on practice with all the vocabulary, grammar, and language skills they learn in the textbook and get to sharpen their writing skills as well. Each page is hole-punched and perforated for the student and teacher s convenience. Students can cleanly remove a page from their workbook, complete it, and hand it in to the teacher for grading. Afterwards, the page can be neatly placed in a binder. Like the textbook, the workbook is organized by units and follows each lesson in the textbook. The workbook is an absolute must for students to be able to enhance their learning and fortify skills.
ISBN: 9780932027771.
Publisher: Spinner Publications.
Published Year: 2010.

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