Price Comparison: Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers

Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers

Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers | 9781118539712

by Runger, George C.,Montgomery, Douglas C.

Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 6th Edition provides a practical approach oriented to engineering as well as chemical and physical sciences. Students learn how the material will be relevant in their careers through the integration throughout of unique problem sets that reflect realistic applications and situations. Applied Statistics, 6e is suitable for either a one- or two-term course in probability and statistics. The 6th edition of this text focuses on real engineering applications and real engineering solutions while including material on the bootstrap, increased emphasis on the use of P-value, coverage of equivalence testing, combining p-values, many new examples and entirely revised homework sections.
ISBN: 9781118539712.
Publisher: Wiley.
Published Year: 2013.

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