Price Comparison: Cengage Advantage Books: Culture Counts: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Cengage Advantage Books: Culture Counts: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Cengage Advantage Books: Culture Counts: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | 9781337109680

by Nanda, Serena; Warms, Richard L.

Cengage Advantage Books: Culture Counts: A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology CULTURE COUNTS, 4th Edition, is a brief introduction to anthropology focusing on the concept of culture. With this text, you'll gain a better understanding of the world today and how you can interact cross-culturally, solve problems, and effect positive change. The authors draw you into the book's concepts via engaging ethnographic storytelling and a conversational writing style that connects you to the topics. You'll explore contemporary issues, issues of globalization, issues of gender, and issues of equalities and inequalities -- all topics that are important to both the study of anthropology and your understanding of the world around you.
ISBN: 9781337109680.
Publisher: Cengage Learning.
Published Year: 2017.

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