Price Comparison: Essentials of Business Communicatio... | 9781337386494

Essentials of Business Communicatio...

Essentials of Business Communicatio... | 9781337386494

by Guffey, Mary Ellen; Loewy, Dana

Essentials of Business Communicatio... Ensure you are job-ready with the number one choice -- Guffey/Lowey's ESSENTIALS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, 11E. In a time when writing and communication skills rank high on recruiters' wish lists, this proven text helps you develop job-readiness for the 21st century. ESSENTIALS highlights best practices and strategies backed by leading-edge research to strengthen your professionalism, expert writing techniques, workplace digital savvy and resume-building skills. Learn how writing is central to business success, regardless of the communication channel. ESSENTIALS discusses best practices for social media and mobile technology while refining your communication skills. Work with grammar exercises, documents for editing, and other practice tools in this four-in-one package with an authoritative text, practical workbook, grammar handbook and author-generated digital resources in MindTap.
ISBN: 9781337386494.
Publisher: Cengage Learning.
Published Year: 2018.

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