Price Comparison: Harry Potter: Houses of Hogwarts Creativity Journal

Harry Potter: Houses of Hogwarts Creativity Journal

Harry Potter: Houses of Hogwarts Creativity Journal | 9781338236521

by Ballard, Jenna

Harry Potter: Houses of Hogwarts Creativity Journal Calling all Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins! Spark your creativity with this Harry Potter film-inspired guided journal all about the houses of Hogwarts! Show off your house pride as you complete prompts, doodle everything from crests to creatures, and fill in favorite movie moments. Inside you'll also find information about house history, accomplishments, and profiles of famous students, as well as brackets for Quidditch predictions and a log for house points. It's all here in this spell-binding journal -- a must-have for every Harry Potter fan!
ISBN: 9781338236521.
Publisher: Scholastic Inc..
Published Year: 2017.

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