Price Comparison: Blood, Bones and Body Bits: 1 (Horr... | 9781407185378

Blood, Bones and Body Bits: 1 (Horr...

Blood, Bones and Body Bits: 1 (Horr... | 9781407185378

by Arnold, Nick

Blood, Bones and Body Bits: 1 (Horr... HORRIBLE SCIENCE: BLOOD, BONES AND BODY BITS is bone-chilling book of bodies to make kids squeal! Peek inside to discover all the squishy secrets of your body - including the nasty bits nobody wants to tell you! Find out what happens when a boil bursts. See what lives in your eyelashes. Gulp at the workings of your disgusting digestion. And discover why corpses need haircuts even after they're dead. This book of squishy, squelchy and amazing things lets children get the inside story on their insides - if they dare! Redesigned in a bold, funky new look for the next generation of HORRIBLE SCIENCE fans.
ISBN: 9781407185378.
Publisher: WordUnited.
Published Year: 2018.

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