Price Comparison: To Kill a Mockingbird: An Instructional Guide for Literature (Great Works)

To Kill a Mockingbird: An Instructional Guide for Literature (Great Works)

To Kill a Mockingbird: An Instructional Guide for Literature (Great Works) | 9781425889999

by Kristin Kemp

To Kill a Mockingbird: An Instructional Guide for Literature (Great Works) Introduce students to this classic Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by encouraging them to explore social issues within the story and make connections to current and historical events. To Kill a Mockingbird: An Instructional Guide for Literature provides rigorous and engaging cross-curricular activities and lessons that work in conjunction with the text to teach students how to analyze and comprehend rich, complex literature. Students will learn how to analyze story elements in multiple ways, practice close reading and text-based vocabulary, determine meaning through text-dependent questions, and much more.
ISBN: 9781425889999.
Publisher: Shell Education.
Published Year: 2014.

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