Price Comparison: Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal

Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal

Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal | 9781435440166

by Bailey, C. Suzanne,McCord, Sandra L.,McCord, James W. H.

Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal Thorough yet succinct, CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE FOR THE PARALEGAL: A SYSTEMS APPROACH, 4th Edition equips readers with a solid understanding of the principles of criminal law as well as the skills for daily practice in a law office. It delivers an excellent blend of theory with practice as it presents material in a clear, logical, outline format. It also provides opportunities for readers to apply both critical thinking and law-office practice skills. The text enriches learning by providing insights into crime, punishment, criminal justice standards for prosecution, defense, and the court, and the competing policies behind the law and judicial decisions.
ISBN: 9781435440166.
Publisher: Cengage Learning.
Published Year: 2012.

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