Price Comparison: An Introduction to Christology: .In the Gospels and Early Church

An Introduction to Christology: .In the Gospels and Early Church

An Introduction to Christology: .In the Gospels and Early Church | 9781466384347

by Luttenberger C.M., Gerard H.

An Introduction to Christology: .In the Gospels and Early Church What sets this book apart from all other Christology texts is that the author teaches readers the process of "doing Christology." Just as theology is the process of interpreting the faith-experience of God, so Christology is the process of making sense of the experience of God through Jesus. This process involves meeeting Jesus in the present, personally, and responding to the question: "Who do you say that I am?" It involves gathering the responses of past and present, and searching for the meaning of God's self-gift, ever present in Jesus, for today. In this fresh, experienced-grounded approach, Fr. Luttenberger invites readers to reflect on the interpretations and responses of Christians in the first centuries of the church's history and to learn from them how to "do Christology." Firmly based on contemporary biblical scholarship, this readable text will appeal to and engage adults who want to deepen their faith knowledge of the living Christ and of the development of the church's expression of that faith. Excellent for university and seminary courses, adult education, Bible study groups, and all persons interested in deepening their understanding of Christ the Lord.
ISBN: 9781466384347.
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishi.
Published Year: 2012.

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