Price Comparison: Weekly Worship - 52 Hymns for a...

Weekly Worship - 52 Hymns for a...

Weekly Worship - 52 Hymns for a... | 9781495019210

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Weekly Worship - 52 Hymns for a... (Easy Piano Songbook). 52 hymns that will keep you playing all year long! Each song also includes a brief history by Lindsay Rickard. Hymns include: Abide with Me * All Creatures of Our God and King * Amazing Grace * Be Thou My Vision * Blessed Assurance * Crown Him with Many Crowns * Holy, Holy, Holy * How Firm a Foundation * I Surrender All * It Is Well with My Soul * Jesus Paid It All * Just As I Am * A Mighty Fortress Is Our God * Nearer, My God, to Thee * O Worship the King * The Old Rugged Cross * Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us * Silent Night * 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus * We Gather Together * Were You There? * When I Survey the Wondrous Cross * and more.
ISBN: 9781495019210.
Publisher: Hal Leonard.
Published Year: 2015.

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