Price Comparison: 365 Days in Ireland Picture-A-Day Wall Calendar 2024: For Travelers―and Proud Irish Americans

365 Days in Ireland Picture-A-Day Wall Calendar 2024: For Travelers―and Proud Irish Americans

365 Days in Ireland Picture-A-Day Wall Calendar 2024: For Travelers―and Proud Irish Americans | 9781523518456

by Workman Calendars

365 Days in Ireland Picture-A-Day Wall Calendar 2024: For Travelers―and Proud Irish Americans A grand tour of the great citiesImagine a trip to Europe in the company of one of the worlds most knowledgeable guides. Then imagine hes created twelve perfect itineraries for you. Thats the essence of this calendar. Explore the cities of Spain, from Madrid to Barcelona to the Moorish legacy of Granada. Istanbul, Turkey, with its dynamic mix of eastern and western influences. Germanys cities, including Berlin, where monuments honoring WWII and Cold War victims inspire quiet contemplation. Each month features a large, full-color image at the top of the page, plus dozens more throughout the grid. Informative text is packed with fascinating history and travelers tips. Printed on responsibly sourced paper.
ISBN: 9781523518456.
Publisher: Workman Publishing Company.
Published Year: 2023.

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