Price Comparison: Catholic Family Life Edition, New... | 9781556657566

Catholic Family Life Edition, New...

Catholic Family Life Edition, New... | 9781556657566

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Catholic Family Life Edition, New... This white padded lexatone Bible feature a two-tone foil stamped padded cover with silver gilded page edges. The gold and silver crosses combine with symbols of the Trinity with representations of: The Hand of Creation, the Pascal Lamb and the Dove, an appealing statement of faith for a Catholic home. Supplemental material includes: 64-page Catholic Encyclopedic Dictionary; Celebration of the Eucharist in Pictures and Text; Famous Masterpieces of Religious Art; The Vatican and Succession of Popes; The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, and Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible. Size 9 ¼" X 12" X 2 ½"
ISBN: 9781556657566.
Publisher: Fireside Bible Pub.
Published Year: 2003.

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