Price Comparison: An Exegetical Summary of Romans 1-8, Second edition

An Exegetical Summary of Romans 1-8, Second edition

An Exegetical Summary of Romans 1-8, Second edition | 9781556712074

by David Abernathy

An Exegetical Summary of Romans 1-8, Second edition Each volume in the Exegetical Summaries series works through the original text phrase by phrase. English equivalents are provided for all Hebrew and Greek words, making this an excellent reference for exegetes of all levels. Questions that occur to exegetes as they study the text are stated and then answered by summarizing the ways many scholars have interpreted the text. This information should help translators or students in making their own exegetical decisions. As a basis for discussion, a semi-literal translation of the text is given. The first question to be answered is the meaning of key words in context. Information from standard lexicons is given and then translations of the word are cited from a dozen major Bible versions and from commentaries that offer their own translations of the text. Questions about the grammar and discourse structure of the original languages are answered by summarizing the views of many commentators. When exegetical disagreements appear in the commentaries and versions, the various interpretations are listed. This book is not intended to replace the commentaries that are consulted. Rather than being a stand-alone commentary, this book summarizes many important details of exegesis that should be considered in studying the biblical text. David Abernathy is the author of three of the Exegetical Summary series-Romans 1-8, 2 Corinthians, 1 Peter, and coauthored Sermon on the Mount. He has earned a Master of Theology from Reformed Theological Seminary in 2003. He serves with SIL. He teaches Greek, Hebrew, and Biblical Exegesis at the Pan Africa Christian College in Kenya.
ISBN: 9781556712074.
Publisher: SIL International (edition 2).
Published Year: 2008.

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