Price Comparison: Day by Day With the Early Church Fathers

Day by Day With the Early Church Fathers

Day by Day With the Early Church Fathers | 9781565633964

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Day by Day With the Early Church Fathers For centuries, Christians have been challenged and inspired by the writings of the early church fathers. Their exhortations, thoughts, and meditations have been a beacon of light and hope to church leaders, laity, and theologians including Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley. Day by Day with the Early Church Fathers presents selections of these writings in a format that makes them readily accessible for daily meditation. Its 366 sections include powerful Bible passages and devotional readings taken from the 38-volume series The Early Church Fathers, first published in 1885. While the language of each devotion has been updated for readability, the original meaning has been preserved. Short biographical summaries lend insight into the lives of the early church fathers. Also the book's subject index helps readers to easily locate selections on specific topics.
ISBN: 9781565633964.
Publisher: Hendrickson Pub.
Published Year: 1999.

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