Price Comparison: Signing Naturally Student Workbook, Units 7-12 | with access code

Signing Naturally Student Workbook, Units 7-12 | with access code

Signing Naturally Student Workbook, Units 7-12 | with access code | 9781581212211

by Cheri Smith

Signing Naturally Student Workbook, Units 7-12 | with access code Designed to give students a deeper insight into ASL and Deaf culture Signing Naturally Units 7-12 Student Workbook offers homework assignments that support what youve learned in the classroom. Signing Naturally Units 7-12 Student Workbook also features Deaf culture articles and profiles of legendary Deaf leaders. Theres also a topic index to help you find signs and information easily.The Signing Naturally Units 7-12 Student Workbook also includes over seven hours of ASL video material on two DVDs signed by 13 skilled native signers.Signing Naturally Units 7-12 Student Workbook is everything you need to bring your ASL skills BEYOND the classroom 2014; 529 pages; 2 DVDs. Item Weight - 4 lbs.
ISBN: 9781581212211.
Publisher: DawnSignPress (edition First Edition).
Published Year: 2014.

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