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Studies in Scripture: 1 Kings to...

Studies in Scripture: 1 Kings to... | 9781590382592

by Kent P. Jackson [Editor]

Studies in Scripture: 1 Kings to... The volumes in the Studies in Scripture series contain collections of essays written to give greater insight into history and doctrine of the standard works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Recognizing that there is no substitute for sincere and serious study of the scriptures themselves, the authors have worked to point Latter-days Saints toward the wealth of wisdom and inspired direction to be discovered in the Lord’s word. These detailed discussions by deeply committed and believing LDS scholars have become a classic addition to many libraries. The new paperback editions make them easier to use and more accessible to everyone! Who of us can say that with any degree of certainty who Habakkuk, Haggai, or Nahum was? Or when he lived? Or what he had to say that is relevant to us? Confused by the Old Testament's complexity, overwhelmed by its bulk. And stymied by its symbolism, many Latter-day Saints neglect this important book of scripture. But as authors of essays in this book demonstrate, we can find treasures of gospel knowledge in the Old Testament. Many precious truths have been preserved in the record of 1 King through Malachi--evidences of the hand of the Lord in human affairs and of our relationship to him. Edited by Kent P. Jackson, this volume supplements our study of the scriptures. Chapters by noted Latter-day Saint scholars and students of the scriptures identify the prophecies found in the ancient writings, recount the timeless stories, and point out the richness and beauty of the language in which the record has been preserved. Not only are the words of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel important to the Latter-day Saints but so too are the messages of Habakkuk, Haggai, and Nahum. Buried in the Hebrew record is the essence of our religion--a testimony of the love of God for all his children and the promise of the Atonement wrought by the Savior.
ISBN: 9781590382592.
Publisher: Deseret Book Company.
Published Year: 2004.

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