Price Comparison: Psy-Comm: v. 1 (Psy-Comm)

Psy-Comm: v. 1 (Psy-Comm)

Psy-Comm: v. 1 (Psy-Comm) | 9781598162691

by Jason Henderson, Tony Salvaggio

Psy-Comm: v. 1 (Psy-Comm) In the corp-state of Electromedia, no star shines brighter than that of Mark Leit, a young man destined to become possibly the greatest Psy-Comm of all time. But a tragedy from his past and a desire for redemption will cause Mark to abandon everything his life has stood for. In the eyes of Mark's partner and best friend, David (a Psy-Comm who is unquestioningly loyal to the corporation), it will be the ultimate act of betrayal.
ISBN: 9781598162691.
Publisher: Tokyopop Press Inc.
Published Year: 2006.

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