Price Comparison: Remote Pilot sUAS Study Guide (2025... | 9781619544963

Remote Pilot sUAS Study Guide (2025...

Remote Pilot sUAS Study Guide (2025... | 9781619544963

by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA)

Remote Pilot sUAS Study Guide (2025... Applicants seeking a Remote Pilot Certificate with an sUAS rating must pass a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Knowledge Exam. In this study guide the FAA lays out the knowledge areas required for preparing to take this airman knowledge test.This information has been gathered from several FAA resources to provide guidance for remote pilots operating drones in the National Airspace System (NAS). The study guide covers applicable regulations, airspace classification operating requirements and flight restrictions, aviation weather services, effects of weather on sUAS performance, small unmanned aircraft loading, emergency procedures, crew resource management (CRM), radio communication procedures, physiological factors (including drugs and alcohol) affecting pilot performance, aeronautical decision making (ADM) and judgment, airport operations, and maintenance and preflight inspection procedures.Appendices provide lists of additional helpful study references, registration and marking requirements for sUAS, and the abbreviations and acronyms used in operations and documentation.
ISBN: 9781619544963.
Publisher: Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc..
Published Year: 2016.

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