Price Comparison: The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen

The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen

The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen | 9781785451041

by Grafton, Cass,Bright, Ada

The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen What would life be like if something had prevented Jane Austen from ever publishing any of her books? Dedicated Janeite, Rose, is about to find out! It’s September, and the city of Bath is playing host to the annual Jane Austen Festival, a celebration of the famous author and her works. Rose Wallace, Bath resident and avid Jane Austen fan, can’t wait for her friends to arrive and the Festival to start, unaware one of the recently arrived guests will turn her life upside down by sharing with her a secret that ultimately puts Jane Austen’s entire literary legacy at risk. With the support of a displaced two hundred year old author and a charmed necklace, can Rose help to bring back some of the most beloved stories of all time and turn her own life around in the process?
ISBN: 9781785451041.
Publisher: Brown Dog Books.
Published Year: 2016.

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