Price Comparison: Natural Theology in the Scientific Revolution: God's Scientists (Pickering Studies in PHIL of Religion)

Natural Theology in the Scientific Revolution: God's Scientists (Pickering Studies in PHIL of Religion)

Natural Theology in the Scientific Revolution: God's Scientists (Pickering Studies in PHIL of Religion) | 9781848934641

by Katherine Calloway

Natural Theology in the Scientific Revolution: God's Scientists (Pickering Studies in PHIL of Religion) In the seventeenth century scientific discoveries called into question established Christian theology. It has been claimed that contemporary thinkers contributed to this conflict model by using the discoveries of the natural world to prove the existence of God. Calloway challenges this view by close examination of five key texts of the period.
ISBN: 9781848934641.
Publisher: Routledge 2014-07-01.
Published Year: 2014.

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