Price Comparison: Illness and Healing: And the Myster... | 9781902636986
Illness and Healing: And the Myster... | 9781902636986
by von Halle, Judith
Illness and Healing: And the Myster...
After she received the stigmata, Judith von Halle began vividly to perceive the events that occurred at the time of Christ. These continuing experiences are not visions, but rather actual participation, involving all human senses, in the events themselves. To complement this personal witnessing of Christ’s life, von Halle has researched the facts using spiritual-scientific methods, based on the human “I” crossing of the spiritual threshold while fully conscious. Here she explores here, in her continuing series ‘Approaches to Understanding the Christ Event’, the nature of illnesses at the time of Christ, as described in the Gospels, and how he approached the process of healing them. The Gospels conceal untapped treasures that can be brought to light only by deciphering their inherently pictorial language. By developing a spiritual-scientific mode of thinking, we can create the foundation for examining the causes and cures of illness. The author explains the meaning of certain phrases and passages in the Gospels, translating them from their metaphorical form into modern language. She also reveals why illnesses at the time of Christ were different from medical disorders of today and looks into the nature and causes of modern illnesses.
ISBN: 9781902636986.
Publisher: Temple Lodge Publishing (edition Illustrated).
Published Year: 2009.
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