Price Comparison: La Classe Des Confessions (French Edition)

La Classe Des Confessions (French Edition)

La Classe Des Confessions (French Edition) | 9781981173297

by Quintero, Ms A. C.

La Classe Des Confessions (French Edition) The French Level 1+ novel, La classe des confessions (part 1) is written almost entirely in the present tense. It is the perfect novel for reviewing school vocabulary, classes, relationships, basic French I structures in the Target Language, and, of course "l'amour." Sprinkled with authentic and witty expressions, students will see themselves in the story, as well as their teachers! Although this book is part of a series (2 books), book 1 is a standalone novel...but students would want to read part 2! Synopsis: Charles hates French class with a passion but finds the will to survive when he lays eyes on Justine. She is the reason he "tolerates" his boring class. However, his secret crush is compromised when his teacher decides to "shake things up a bit" in class. A simple writing assignment turns out to be a lethal injection to his social life and by extension his chances with Justine. First, his nosy teacher tries to "set him up with Justine," this plan immediately backfires. Then, the unthinkable happens and Charles is stunned. This turns into one of the most embarrassing moments in his life. Charles invites you to come along on this adventure into La classe des confessions where everyone has a confession, even the teacher!
ISBN: 9781981173297.
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Published Year: 2017.

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